Full Moon Calendar for 2022
It's no secret that the moon is a powerful object, creating waves in the ocean and blocking out the sun to give us night. The moon has even been thought to affect our emotions, and has even been used as an aid in spells to help our manifestations become true. Ever have a day where you felt off, or unlike yourself just to realize it was a full moon? Or maybe you were super energized and motivated and check the calendar to see it was a new moon. It’s no secret that the phases of the moon has an affect on the human body. There’s even statistics to prove it, from ER visits going up during the full moon and even more woman going into labor. I know I’ve definitely had my days where I checked the moon phase and thought “Oh THAT explains how I’ve been feeling”.

I’ve definitely been guilty of this, feelings waves of motivations some days and anxiety on other days, just to check my moon phase app and find the answer to my mood changes. When we pay attention to the moon, not only can we take control of the way we feel, but we can take control of our dreams, utilizing each moon phase to help us reach our goals and manifest spellwork.
So for 2022, I promised myself to note every moon phase in my calendar and I've posted it here as a reference for you as well! I